Tutoring at DS Learning Center is available for students in 1st through 12th-grade and college in a wide variety of subjects. Tutoring is individualized to each student and is focused on understanding concepts, not rote memorization. Military and family discounts are available.
We understand how important it is to get into the right school at DS Learning Center. Over the past two decades, our tutoring students earned high SAT scores, above 2000 (old SAT) and 1500 (new SAT), and ACT scores of 33 or higher. With these scores, they have been accepted to several prestigious colleges. Our students have been accepted to these following prestigious universities Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Pepperdine, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UW, and University of Oregon.
We understand how important it is to get into the right school at DS Learning Center. Over the past two decades, our tutoring students earned high SAT scores, above 2000 (old SAT) and 1500 (new SAT), and ACT scores of 33 or higher. With these scores, they have been accepted to several prestigious colleges. Our students have been accepted to these following prestigious universities Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Pepperdine, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UW, and University of Oregon.
DS Learning Center
206 39th Ave SW, Suite A-2
Puyallup, WA 98373
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